There is nothing worse than discovering that your seasoned firewood has been infested with mold. A lot of people get confused about what to do in this situation: is it okay to burn, will it cause any health issues, or how to get rid of the firewood are some of the questions one might have. Let’s take a look at everything you need to know about mold on firewood.
Seasoned firewood can get moldy, it is a part of the natural process. It is okay to burn firewood with a little bit of mold on it as long as nobody is allergic or has respiratory issues.
If you leave your firewood in a damp or shady area, or if your region is very humid and cloudy, there is a huge chance that some of your firewood has mold on them.
If your firewood is not seasoned properly, then the chances of mold formation are higher.

Is It Safe To Burn Mouldy Firewood?
This depends on a lot of factors such as the severity of mold infestation on the firewood, where you intend to burn them, and the condition of people around you.
Mold formation is a part of the natural process, and depending on the type of mold you are dealing with, along with the severity of the infestation, determines whether you should burn it or not.
One thing to note is that if there is someone in your family who has breathing issues or respiratory issues, do not burn moldy firewood at all. No matter how much mold is on the firewood and whether you burn it inside or outside, avoid using the firewood.
On the other hand, if no one has any pre-existing respiratory issues, if you are dealing with only minor mold formation on the firewood, and if you intend to burn the wood outside where there is sufficient ventilation, then it should be okay.
Burning extremely moldy firewood inside can release a lot of spores into the air which can cause irritation to your eyes, lungs, and mouth. This can be especially bad for children and pets.
How To Store Firewood With Mould?
It is best to store firewood the right way beforehand, so it does not get mold on it the first place, but if you already have some of it, below you can see some tips for storing firewood with mold on it.
It is very important to correctly store moldy firewood, otherwise, it can spread to other firewood around it.
It is recommended to store any firewood outside your home, preferably in a shed, or barn, not in the garage (where it can not receive plenty of ventilation). If you keep the infested firewood inside your house or in the basement where there is no ventilation or wind circulation, chances are that the mold will become airborne.
Once this happens, the mold particles can infect other organic matter in your house.
If you are storing the firewood in your garage or within your house, make sure it is kept away from the surrounding walls and doors as the mold can start spreading within your house structure as well.
Different Types of Mould on Firewood
There are majorly 4 different types of mold formation on firewood, Green, Black, Purple, and White Mould.
If you are dealing with Black, Purple, or White mold, then you should not burn the firewood at all as the spores can cause irritation for even healthy people.
How To Prevent Mould Formation on Firewood?
The best way to prevent mold formation on your firewood is by storing them properly. Make sure that the firewood is kept in a well-ventilated room, area, or on a rack that receives plenty of sunlight and wind. If you live in a wet or humid region then you can also use a dehumidifier in the room.
Is White Mould on Firewood Dangerous?
Although small amounts of white mold won’t really have any effects unless you are sensitive to mold, or if you have respiratory issues. Large amounts of white mold can cause respiratory and skin issues in even healthy individuals, although usually, it isn’t serious and as long as you get rid of the firewood, the effects should subside.
Can You Use Fire To Get Rid of The Mould?
High heat, anything above 70C or 160F for a prolonged period will kill off almost all kinds of mold. Around 20-minute exposure should be enough. But what happens to the mold once the fire is introduced is what makes this dangerous.
As soon as you introduce fire to mold, it goes into survival mode. The mold at a cellular level is aware that it has very little time left so it releases a lot of spores into the air hoping to germinate somewhere else. So when large quantities of moldy firewood are burnt, a lot of spores are released into the air which can cause respiratory and allergic effects on sensitive people.
How To Get Rid of Firewood With Mould?
If you have decided not to use the moldy firewood and are looking for a way to get rid of them, contact your local garbage disposal service. Do not throw away the firewood in the open as the mold can transfer to other plants and trees nearby through the logs.
The garbage disposal service will get rid of the logs carefully without harming the environment.
You should ideally not burn firewood with mold on it, especially if someone around you has pre-existing respiratory issues. A small amount of mold is okay on firewood as long as nobody is allergic to it.

I am the guy behind I grew up on a homestead and I am here to share the knowledge I have and things I learn while living in the countryside.