
In this section of the website, you can find answers to questions related to firewood. For example, we will cover topics on how to store firewood, which types of firewood are actually good, and how do they compare to each other.

is maple good as firewood

Is Maple Good Firewood?

Despite being known as the national tree of Canada, maple (acre) has uses beyond its sweet syrup. A maple tree can live for 300 years, if not longer. Their signature leaves create a stunning array of colors every fall and add a dash of beauty to any landscape. As firewood, maple is very good. With […]

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is magnolia good as firewood

Is Magnolia Good Firewood?

Mostly planted as ornamental trees, magnolia is a sub-family derived from the Magnoliaceae family. They are native to southern states where they are in abundance. However, in some areas of the US, some magnolia varieties are illegal to chop down. As a close relative to poplar, how does magnolia fair as firewood in comparison? Magnolia

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is pine good as firewood

Is Pine Good Firewood?

Pine trees (pinus) are the most common tree in the entire world. The classification of pine covers a range of conifer trees, shrubs and geniuses, though the pine most often used for firewood is the evergreen variety. With the ability to live up to 1000 years, civilizations have been using pine for a whole range

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is hemlock good firewood

Is Hemlock Good Firewood?

Though it is often overlooked due to being a softwood, hemlock (Tsuga) is worth considering when choosing your firewood. Hemlock (derived from the Pinaceae family), is very common in North America, growing in acidic and moist soils and providing shade to other trees. If you have hemlock growing in your back garden, is it worth

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