How to get rid of Jacaranda Tree?

how to kill jacaranda tree thumbnail

Jacaranda or Jacaranda Mimosifolia is a sub-tropical species native to South America. Because of its attractive blue-purple blooming, it has been cultivated all over the world. The tree has been majorly used for ornamental purposes. Because of Jacarandas’s adaptability to extreme temperatures the species can also be invasive, outgrowing native species.

Let’s take a look at how to remove jacaranda Mimosifolia as well as how to kill its root system. 

How to Kill Jacaranda Trees?

When looking for methods to kill Jacaranda Mimosifolia, the preferred choice should be something that is cost-effective, fast, and easy.

Some of the most popular methods are:

  • Foliar Spray
  • Cutting the tree down and treating the stump with Herbicides
  • Gridling or ring barking
  • Basal Bark treatment
  • Injecting the tree with killing chemicals
  • Cut surface treatment

You can learn more about these methods here.

Keep in mind that most of these methods will only end up killing the tree and its roots system. If the tree is located in your yard, you will still have to cut down the tree once it is dead. 

The best way to kill a small Jacaranda tree.

A small Jacaranda Mimosifolia will only grow to about 8-10 feet, it also has wide green leaves which increases the foliage surface area. The Foliar Spray method would be perfect to tackle this situation.

  1. For this method, you will need a small sprayer and a herbicide to go along with it.
  2. Make sure there is no wind during this as the herbicide can get carried away. (follow the instructions of the manufacturer)
  3. Use an effective herbicide like Roundup, Ortho or Triclopyr.
  4. Spray the leaves of the tree with the herbicide.
  5. The herbicide will be absorbed by the leaves and transported to the roots, effectively killing the tree over time.
  6. The most effective season to use this method is summer and spring as the foliage cover of Jacaranda is high.

When the tree is young, you don’t have to worry about the seeds spreading all over the area.

The best way to kill a large Jacaranda tree

A fully grown Jacaranda Mimosifolia will only grow to about 50-60 feet high. The Cut Surface treatment would be perfect for this situation.

  1. Using an Axe or a chainsaw, make 2-3-inch-deep gashes, in downward angle, into the trunk of the tree.
  2. These gashes should be around the whole circumference of the tree.
  3. As soon as you make these gashes, spray some herbicide like Tordon or Roundup into the cuts.
  4. Spray the herbicide again once the first layer gets absorbed

You can also use Ringbarking or Girdling along with this method to make the process more effective.


Ringbarking alone helps to slow down the nutrient flow from the roots to the stems and the leaves, damaging, and potentially killing the tree.

  1. You will need to either get a hatchet or chainsaw for this.
  2. Remove a ring of bark around the entire tree, about 4-8 inches wide.
  3. Spray herbicide along the exposed bark.

Cutting down the tree

If you are in a hurry, you can simply cut the tree down and treat the stump with a herbicide to stop further growth. But for this, it is recommended that you hire a professional.

Things to consider before removing a tree on your own

Jacarandas Mimosifolia can grow up to about 50-60 feet, which makes it quite tricky to remove them on your own, especially if you don’t have prior experience.

Once the tree is dead it has to be cut down because it will eventually start decomposing and can potentially fall over the nearby property.

To remove the tree, you will have to get it cut down, transported to your local waste station

Should you hire a professional tree removal service?

Hiring a professional while dealing with Jacarandas Mimosifolia makes sense when you think about the entire tree removal procedure. A professional will take care of almost the entire process from killing the tree to removing it off the property.

On top of this, the cost factor also plays an important role. Figuring out all of these separate logistical details can turn out to be quite costly.

Take a look at my tree removal cost guide here.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the seeding season for Jacarandas Mimosifolia?

The seeding season immediately follows the flowering which is during early summer and lasts 2-3 months. The seeds will start forming by late Autumn.

Can neem oil kill Jacarandas Mimosifolia?

No, neem oil is used to kill pests and insects inside the tree. Using excessive neem oil will only harm a Jacarandas Mimosifolia but will not kill it.

Can you kill a Jacaranda tree without cutting it down?

A Jacarandas Mimosifolia can be killed without cutting them down. The preferred methods for doing so would be ringbarking or cut surface treatment. More info about the methods can be found here.


A Jacaranda can be killed using Foliar Spray when they are smaller than 10 feet. Once the tree grows bigger, you can use Basal Bark Treatment along with Girdling.

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