How to get rid of a Mesquite tree?

how to kill mesquite tree thumbnail

Mesquite or Prosopis is an American native species that are considered to be small to medium-sized trees. This species can survive through extreme climate changes and is considered highly invasive. The Mesquite is also very difficult to kill, with stumps sprouting after being cut down. Some varieties of the Prosopis can also be fire resistant which also increases their resilience in the wild.

Let’s take a look at some of the ways of killing Mesquite trees as well as their root system.

How to Kill Mesquit Trees?

Killing a Prosopis can be very difficult.

Some of the most popular tree-killing methods are:

  • Foliar Spray
  • Cutting the tree down and treating the stump with Herbicides
  • Gridling or ring barking
  • Basal Bark treatment
  • Injecting the tree with killing chemicals
  • Cut surface treatment

I will publish an article discussing each of these methods in detail.

The best way to kill a small Mesquite tree

A small Prosopis is only a shrub but this does not make things easier. Mesquite is very hard to get rid of quickly, and simply cutting down the tree won’t do the job.

If you don’t have much experience with killing trees, stick with using the Foliar Spray technique.

  1. For this method, you will need a backpack sprayer and a strong herbicide to go along with it.
  2. Make sure there is no wind or rain during this process as the herbicide can get carried away.
  3. Use an effective herbicide like Roundup, Triclopyr or Orthon. It is also recommended that you add some type of a dye to the herbicide to mark the spots that have been treated. This will come in handy if you have to kill multiple trees.
  4. Spray the the leaves of the tree with the herbicide. With this species, it will take multiple coatings of the herbicide to get the job done.
  5. The herbicide will be absorbed by the leaves and transported to the roots, killing the tree over time.

The most effective season to use this method is summer and spring as the foliage cover is high.

To make sure that there is no re-growth, you will have to closely monitor the situation over the next few seasons and treat any sprouts with the methods discussed above.

The best way to kill a large Mesquite tree

A large Prosopis only grows 40 feet high, even under perfect conditions. Most often you will find trees that are 20-30 feet tall.

The most effective method to kill a large Mesquite is to simply cut the tree down and treat the stump with a Tordon RTU herbicide (Amazon Affiliate link). If you don’t treat the stump with a herbicide, the Mesquite will grow back.

When you are using the herbicide, make sure it is fully absorbed by the stumps cambium layer and keep applying the solution every day for a week to get the most effective results.

The herbicide of choice would be a Tordon or concentrated Glyphosate.

Things to consider before removing a tree on your own

With a tree like Prosopis, the killing and removing process is extremely tricky. This species is one of the most invasive varieties and they have developed a strong survival mechanism.

One thing to consider is that Prosopis can develop long thorns which can be extremely painful if you are not careful.

If you are physically removing the tree, it is necessary to wear thick clothes as well as gloves to avoid injuries.

Should you hire a professional tree removal service?

It is recommended that you hire a professional tree removal service if it is viable for you especially while dealing with Mesquite.

They will take care of the entire process for you and make sure that the root system will not start sprouting saplings in the upcoming seasons.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you kill a Prosopis tree without cutting it down?

With a bigger Prosopis, it is not recommended to kill it without cutting it down as it can be less effective. When dealing with smaller Mesquite trees, it can be done using the Foliar Spray technique.

Can you burn Mesquites to get rid of them?

Some varieties of Prosopis are fire-resistant. That’s why it is not recommended to use fire without exactly knowing what variety you are dealing with.

How can I prevent further growth of Prosopis in my area?

The seeds of Prosopis are very small and even pre-existing roots can go very deep. The best way to prevent any further growth is through regular surveillance. another option is planting other varieties of trees in the area so that the Mesquite seeds don’t get enough nutrition to grow.


Killing a Mesquite is tricky but it can be done. When the tree is small, the most suitable method would be foliar spray. If you are dealing with a bigger tree, it is recommended to cut the tree down and treat the stump with Tordon RTU.

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