A tree can show many signs of falling down. Knowing when and what signs to look for might end up saving you a lot of hassle. Sometimes when trees go unnoticed for long periods of time, they start showing clear signs of damage which people often don’t pay attention to.
Let’s take a look at how to tell if a tree is going to fall and what should you do to minimize risks.
What Are the Signs of a Tree About to Fall?
There are a lot of signs which a tree will show before it falls down. Keep in mind that none of these mean with surety that the tree will fall, but it is a good indicator to pay attention to the tree and check for any possible damage or diseases.
1. Dead Branches
If your tree has dead branches, it is a good indicator that it might be suffering from root rot. This further means that the tree is not providing enough nutrition to the leaves and the stems as the root system have been compromised. During this time, the tree will start shedding its branches to save nutrients.
The falling branches can be a hazard by themselves. If you notice this happening, make sure to contact a professional to get the tree checked out.
2. Hollow Spots
A tree that has hollow spots in its trunk can be a sign of a decaying trunk. This can happen due to faulty pruning, fungal or bacterial diseases, or damage to the trunk itself. These hollow spots will keep on growing in size until the trunk won’t be able to support the tree.
If you notice good quality wood around these hollow points, you still have some time before the tree falls. Contact a professional in this case, especially if you are dealing with a big tree.
3. Mushrooms
If there are a lot of mushrooms growing near the base of the tree, it can be a sign of rotten roots and a trunk. Other signs can be falling branches and shedding leaves.
4. Leaves Shedding from the Inside
Trees are usually supposed to shed leaves from the outside in. if you notice that the inside part of the foliage is shedding first, this could mean that the root zone has been compromised.
A root zone is the core part of the roots system which is responsible for transporting the nutrients to the leaves and the stems.
5. Cracks in the Trunk
If the tree has a lot of deep cracks or missing bark from its trunk, it could be a sign of a dying tree. Make sure to have it checked out by an Arborist. An increase in the cracks can affect the stability of the trunk which can lead to the tree falling down.
6. Leaning trunk
If the tree is leaning to one side, especially more than 15 degrees, it could either be because of wind or root damage. But no matter the cause, you should get it checked out. Any strong gust of wind can topple a weak tree.
7. Exposed roots
If the roots near the base of the tree are exposed, the topsoil which protects the root is absent. This exposes the roots to damage caused by environmental factors and other machinery like lawnmowers etc.
This can damage and weaken the roots which will, in turn, lead to the tree dying and tipping over.
8. Soft Spots on the Trunk
Soft spots are often not noticed as they can rarely be seen from a distance. But this could mean that the tree has a wound, mold infestation, or fungi. This weakens the trunk of the tree and puts further stress on the root system.
Make sure to get this checked out as the chances of the tree falling down go up by a lot.
9. Lightning Strike on the Tree
If your tree has recently been struck by lightning, it could mean that it has internal damage. It can take up to 2 weeks for any dying symptoms to show in case of internal damage,
If the lightning struck the tree on the outside, there will be deep cracks and wilted leaves which can also lead to a weaker structure. It can cause enough damage to permanently kill the tree.
10. Carpenter Ants Infestation
Carpenter ants usually infest trees that have a weaker structure. They have been a sign of a dying tree for quite some time. Carpenter ants will further weaken the structure by tunneling through its branches.
You should consult a professional if this is the case as they will get rid of the ant infestation in case the tree can be saved.
11. Vines Taking Over
Most of the time, people like the look of vines climbing a tree. But when these vines start covering the ground near the base of the tree, they form a blanket. This “blanket” makes the roots susceptible to mold and bacterial diseases, especially if you throw rain and leaves into the mix.
This can damage the roots, which will lead to a damaged and weaker trunk.
12. Tight V-shaped Branch Growth
The usual shape of healthy branch growth can be seen by a U shape. This allows for ample space for the branches to develop and grow.
When branches are growing too close together, they form a tight V shape. This prevents healthy growth and can make them very prone to falling down.
More info on how that looks like you can find here.
Reason Why Your Tree Might be Prone to Falling
Some of the most common causes for trees to fall all over can range from old age, recent damage, diseases, and infestations or lightning strikes. There can be a lot of reasons for a tree to be damaged or weak.
It is recommended to check your trees every few months for any possible damage or diseases.
Can You Prevent a Tree from Falling?
This highly depends on the condition and the health of your tree. Some diseases can be cured, especially if you notice the disease at an early stage. However, some diseases cannot be cured, or they have advanced too much to be cured.
Sometimes trees are just malnutritional so providing the right nutrients can also save them.
You should consult a professional in any case to be sure about the chances of being able to save the tree. A professional will also cut down or remove the tree if it is damaged beyond repair.
What Precautions Should You Take If There Is A Tree Prone to Falling?
If you see any tree around you which is showing signs of falling down, make sure to not let children or people stand or play around it. You should also contact a professional to find out the exact condition of the tree.
If a tree is located near a property like your house or electrical lines, contact a professional immediately.
You should put signs around the tree warning others about the possible danger. A lot of accidents occur because people did not know that the tree was prone to falling down.
Should Dead Trees be Cut Down?
There are a lot of reasons why you should cut down a dead tree. The most important reason is the safety concerns.
Although there is no guarantee that a dead tree will fall down, it does affect its stability and structural integrity which increases trees’ chances of falling down. Storm or strong gusts of winds can potentially topple down a dead tree.
Another reason to cut down a dead tree can be fungal or insect infestation. A dead tree can be a host for other diseases and insect colonies. These diseases can potentially spread to nearby trees.
On top of this, a dead tree is a very big eyesore. They don’t look good at all and can ruin the look of your garden or backyard.
One more thing to keep in mind is that removing a dead tree costs much less than removing an alive one.
Frequently Asked Questions
Which way will a tree fall during a storm?
If a tree was already leaning before the storm, then any gust of wind in that direction can topple the tree. Otherwise, usually, the direction of the wind will determine the direction a tree will fall.
How far can a tree lean before it falls?
Sometimes, a little leaning in a tree is okay. If your tree is leaning more than 15 degrees, you should get it checked out by a professional.
Some of the most common causes for a falling tree can be mechanical damage to the trunk, the roots, or bacterial and fungal diseases. There are a lot of signs like dead branches and hollow spots which you can look out for to find out if the tree is prone to falling.
In case you an any of these signs, make sure to consult a professional about the preventive measures you can take.
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I am the guy behind Theyardable.com. I grew up on a homestead and I am here to share the knowledge I have and things I learn while living in the countryside.