Wood Burning Stove Problems And Solutions

There can be a lot of issues with wood-burning stoves which can be really annoying if you don’t know how to deal with them. Knowing what the problem might be and how it can be solved can be a huge relief especially if you need to use the stove in a hurry. Let’s take a look.

Some of the most common issues with a wood-burning stove include problems with the glass door, its exhaust system, and smoke leakage. If you are not experienced in fixing these issues, you should consult a professional as any mistake can damage the fireplace.

fireplace troubleshooting

What Are Some Of The Most Common Problems In Wood Burning Stoves And How To Solve Them?

Fumes occur when the stove is running

If this is the issue you are facing then ensure that the flue pipe is sealed and also make sure that the stove and the flue are clean. If something needs to be cleaned, then you should ensure that it has been cleaned before firing up the stove.

Another reason can be if you are using unseasoned firewood which can release a lot of smoke or acidic tar.

Fire is not going out even after closing the vents

This will usually happen if there is some amount of oxygen still getting into the fireplace. You will need to ensure that the stove is watertight. Also, check the door sealing rope and the ash collection drawer. They should be in the right place and position so that no air enters the fireplace.

Your stove is leaking smoke

This can happen due to a variety of reasons. Either you are using unseasoned wood which will release a lot more smoke compared to seasoned firewood. The door of the stove might be faulty and this might be leaking some smoke into your house. There can also be an obstruction in the chimney or flue which is not let the smoke pass-through from the stove.

The stove is smelling funny or of paint while burning

This is a very common problem, especially with newer stoves. This happens when the paint inside the stove has not been cured properly. You should let the stove burn at a very hot temperature for the first few times to properly cure it. If the smell of the paint still subsists after a few times, then you should contact a professional.

Soot has formed on the glass

This can be due to the exhaust or drafting issues in the stove or if you have been using unseasoned firewood for some time. You should check if the air vents have been opened sufficiently. If your glass is not self-cleaning then you should wipe the glass with a soft cloth when the stove is at room temperature.

The glass on the stove has turned white

This is a rare issue which can mean that the glass has overheated. This can happen if the stove got too hot too quickly or if you have been using the wrong type of fuel. If this is the case then you will have to get it replaced before using it.

The glass has cracked on the stove

This issue is also pretty rare, this happens either due to manufacturing defaults or some other defect in your stove or the glass. In this case, you should contact the manufacturers immediately. Whilst the glass is being replaced, check if there are any welding defects inside the stove.

Water or steam formation around the stove and the flue

This can happen due to condensation from the flue pipe or the chimney. But if this issue persists after you have fired up the stove then it can be due to the moisture within the firewood.

Drafting issues with the stove

If there are drafting or exhaust issues with the stove, it can either be due to a problem with the vents or clogged flue pipe and the chimney, it can also happen if your home is too airtight without a proper ventilation system.

Clean your chimney system properly by hiring a professional to make sure there is no obstruction to the airflow and if there is any defect with the vents. This can also happen if the stove or the flue is too cold.

In this case, you can also leave the doors of the stove open to let the chimney and the flue get to room temperature.

Another reason can be if the flue size is not according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. A faulty flue line can also be an issue, you need to check the connection to make sure there is no leakage.

Stove Only Burning When The Doors Are Open

If the fire is not able to sustain with the doors closed, then it means that it is not getting enough oxygen through drafting or through the vents. You will need to check the exhaust system and the vents of the stove to make sure there is no problem.


Some of the most common issues with wood-burning stoves include airflow or exhaust issues, glass door cracking or breaking, or smoke leakage amongst others. some of these issues can be fixed by yourself but you should contact a professional if you are unsure.

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