Is Eucalyptus Good Firewood?

Eucalyptus trees, also known as gum trees, are widely cultivated for their oils which are used in various domestic products such as cleaning solutions.

The tree was only brought over in America in the 1800s and has continued to grow exclusively in California and a few southeastern regions.

So if you do come across a eucalyptus tree, is it worth using as firewood?

When it comes to heat output, eucalyptus is one of the best firewoods around but they are very rare. Eucalyptus firewood can cause an excessive build-up of creosote due to its high oil content. The wood does burn clean otherwise.  

eucalyptus firewood thumbnail

What Are The Varieties Of Eucalyptus

There are over 700 varieties of eucalyptus trees all over the world but only a handful that grows in the US. Amongst that handful, there are even fewer that are commonly used as firewood.

If you go out and buy some eucalyptus firewood, you are more likely to get a mix of sugar gum and red spotter gum.

The varieties in the US do not really vary in burning capabilities, so it doesn’t matter which type of eucalyptus wood you get your hands on.

What Are The Physical Characteristics Of Eucalyptus

Heat per cord (Million BTUs)34.5
Weight dry (lbs per cord) 
Weight green (lbs per cord)7320
Seasoning time18 months – 2 years
Resin / Sap contentVery low
Splitting DifficultyDifficult
Smell                                   Pleasant
Coal ProductionVery good
Creosote Build-upModerate

Does its Wood Split Easily?

Once eucalyptus wood is seasoned, you don’t stand a chance of splitting it with a hand ax and you will struggle just as much with a hydraulic splitter. Its difficulty of splitting is fairly similar to other firewoods classified as stringybark.

For your own sake, split eucalyptus before it is seasoned. Make sure to split the wood within a week of it being cut, otherwise, it will start to dry out and will become increasingly more difficult to split.

How Much Sap Does It Have?

Eucalyptus trees do not have a lot of sap. In fact, some species have no sap at all. It is oil that eucalyptus trees are high in, far outweighing any sap they are able to produce.

How Does The Wood Smell?              

The oils in eucalyptus wood help to make the wood smell very pleasant.

Some say that burning eucalyptus wood produced a sweet smell while others compare it more to that of a forest.

Either way, most people can agree that the fragrance is not overwhelming but just the right level of smell to be pleasant.

Heat Output And Efficiency Of Eucalyptus

Because there are so many species of eucalyptus, it is difficult for researchers to agree on one BTU output for the whole species. However, 34.5 million BTUs per cord of wood seems to be a happy medium.

This is an extremely high BTU. Even higher than some varieties of oak along with osage orange firewood.

Fire Characteristics Of Eucalyptus

It is not the density of a eucalyptus wood that gives it such a high BTU (though that is a factor). The flame produced by a eucalyptus is so intense because of the oils within the wood.

However, such a high density does mean that a eucalyptus fire can burn for hours on end without losing its heat. Good coaling qualities also help to create a long-lasting flame.

The oils in eucalyptus firewood will not create a lot of smoke, unlike pine sap would, as long as the wood is fully seasoned. But the oil particles do tend to stick to the sides of flutes and chimney, leading to a moderate creosote build-up.

Is It Okay To Burn Eucalyptus In A Fireplace?

Eucalyptus may be one of the best burning woods in terms of heat, but it has people split on whether it should be burnt in a fireplace.

It is not just the creosote build-up that has people worried but also the oil. There is evidence to suggest that eucalyptus is toxic, but so long as the wood has been seasoned properly, then it shouldn’t be an issue.

You will need a fire safety screen if you burn eucalyptus wood indoors in an open fireplace as it does tend to pop and spark.

How Expensive Is Eucalyptus Firewood?

Eucalyptus is an extremely hard to find in the US outside of Californian and some regions of the southeast. Even then, it is still rare. This makes the price of eucalyptus skyrocket if you are able to find eucalyptus firewood at all.

How Long To Season Eucalyptus

Having such a high moisture and oil content means that you will need to dedicate 18 months – 2 years to seasoning eucalyptus wood.

It is important that you ensure the wood has reached a moisture content of less than 20% before you burn it. Otherwise, it will smoke terribly and smell just as bad.

Pros And Cons of Eucalyptus Wood


  • Very effective heat output
  • Clean burning
  • Pleasant smell


  • Very difficult to process
  • Moderate creosote deposit
  • Tends to spark
  • Very rare

How Does Eucalyptus Compare To Other Firewood?

Eucalyptus’ very impressive BTU outdoes that of red oak, rocky mountain oak, and Oregon white oak. But it falls short of live oak which has a BTU of 37.8.

However, compared to other well-known firewoods like maple, eucalyptus will win out every time. It even burns cleaner than maple due to having less sap.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is Eucalyptus Wood Poisonous?

Some people think that the smoke of eucalyptus firewood is poisonous due to its oils. But so long as you season wood properly, it is safe to burn.

Is Eucalyptus A Hardwood?

Yes, eucalyptus is one of the hottest burning hardwoods.

Can I Use Eucalyptus On A Stove?

Due to its very high heat and tendency to spark, it is best to burn eucalyptus firewood in a log burner or in a fireplace.


Eucalyptus firewood is one of the best heat sources around but is very difficult to find. It will be worth more when harvested for its unique oil than when used as firewood.

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