9 Landscaping Trees with Red Bark

Most people when they have to buy or choose a tree for landscaping, don’t pay much attention to the bark. The foliage of a tree seems to be the point of attention. But a beautiful and striking bark can make all the difference even when the tree sheds its foliage. On top of this, a unique bark stands out the most on a property. Let’s take a look at some of the best options for trees with red bark.

Trees such as Coral Bark Maple, Red-osier Dogwood, Paperback Maple, Acer Palmatum, Tibetan Cherry, Marina Strawberry,  Chinese Red Birch, Redtwig Dogwood, and Tatarian Dogwood are some of the best options if you want to go for a tree with red bark.

red bark tree

Top 9 Trees with a Red Bark

This is a deciduous species known for its spectacular red coral barks which can really intensify in the winter season. They are a small tree species and they only grow up to a height of 20 feet, making them ideal for planting in backyards and patios. On top of this, their foliage also turns a brilliant red during the autumn season creating a visual spectacle.

Coral Bark Maples do need well aerated and damp throughout the year for proper growth. They come under USDA Zones 5-8.

This species is perfect for any garden no matter the size, it is can only grow up to a height of 6 feet. But they can expand horizontally up to 12 feet, this aspect can be controlled based on your preference through regular pruning.

It’s a deciduous variety that is known for its dark red bark and stems which happens once the red leaves in autumn completely shed during the winter season. They grow best in sunny or partially shady climates and come under the USDA zones 3-8.

Paperback Maple is known for its beautiful dark brown-cinnamon-colored peeling bark which becomes the center of attraction in your backyard or property. They are a deciduous species that are slow-growing and only grow up to a height of 20-25 feet making them perfect for planting on front yards or patios.

This specie prefers a partially shady and sunny climate and damp soil. To expose more of the trunk, you can remove the lowest branches every winter. They have a reach of about 18-20 feet so keep them at least 25 feet away from any windows or walls of the property. Although the bark of this species is not strictly red, the dark brown contrast gives it a deep red tint.

Tibetan Cherry gives a very distinct look to any property they are grown in because of their polished mahogany bark which also starts peeling off and give a flaky look to the trunk over time. This is a perfect species to go for the winter season which leads to white flowers during the spring, providing a contrast to the scenery.

Their foliage colors also change from green to yellow during the fall season. For ideal growth, they require moist and well-drained soil with a sunny or partially shady climate.

This variety of the Coral Bark Maple is prized because of its visual spectacle during the winter season. It is a small tree or a large shrub that starts its foliage with a pinkish-yellow tinge during the beginning of spring which turns into the light green during the summer and finally into bright yellow during the fall.

During this time, the falling leaves expose the bright red bark and stems which provide a brilliant contrast to the environment. It is a slow-growing variety and is considered to be highly desirable throughout the world.

This species was quite recently discovered in the San Francisco Bay during the late 1980s and has quickly risen in popularity due to its aesthetic properties. It is an evergreen tree that can grow up to a height of 30-40 feet making it perfect for driveways, patios, and backyards. It produces pink-colored flowers during the spring and summer season which give way to bright red-colored fruits.

On top of this, the dark red colored bark of the tree adds a unique touch to the surrounding area. They are best grown in well-drained moist soils with partial shade or a sunny climate.

This species has a very distinct copper-red bark streaked of caramel and honey which becomes the center of attraction in any garden or property. With its dark green foliage, the dark red bark provides a nice contrast to the environment. During the fall season, the foliage of this tree turns a brilliant golden yellow before shedding. It is ideal for a large garden or lawn because of being a medium-sized deciduous tree.

This species comes under the category of a large shrub rather than a tree but can be an excellent option for ornamental purposes. It is known for its bright red winter stems which light up a winter landscape, especially when the entire foliage has shed away. On top of this, another advantage of this species is its adaptability to most soil conditions.

Other than the bright red stems, this variety also provides clusters of white fruits or berries along with bright red foliage during the fall.

Just like the Redtwig Dogwood, this species is also known for its bright red coral bark and stems. It is a medium-sized ornamental shrub that is perfect for using on patios and front yards. They grow very fast and can assimilate to almost any climate and soil.


Trees with red bark are often the center of attraction in any property. They are an excellent option for landscaping purposes in any climate you live in. Trees such as Tatarian Dogwood, Chinese Red Birch, Marina Strawberry, and Coral Red Maple are some of the best options.

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