How to get rid of Birch Tree?

how to kill birch tree thumbnail

Birch or Betula, are small to medium-sized trees usually found in the Northern temperate regions. This species is usually short-lived and its bark has a papery texture.

Let’s take a look at how you can kill Birch trees and their root system.

How to Kill Birch Trees?

Some of the most popular Birch killing methods are:

  • Foliar Spray
  • Cutting the tree down and treating the stump with Herbicides
  • Gridling or ring barking
  • Basal Bark treatment
  • Injecting the tree with killing chemicals
  • Cut surface treatment

The best way to kill a small Birch tree

A small Betula can be 10-25 feet tall. They also have a slender trunk which is usually pretty thin during this stage of their growth.

There are two methods you can use here, either Foliar Spray if the foliage of the tree is reachable, or you can also use the Basal Spray technique.

Foliar Spray Method

  1. For this method, you will need a backpack sprayer, proper prtotective equimpent, and a herbicide.
  2. Make sure there is no wind or rain during this as the herbicide will get carried away.
  3. Buy an effective herbicide like Roundup, Ortho, or Trclopyr. This for example is a good option. (Amazon Affiliate link)
  4. Make sure the leaves of the tree are not wet, it will prevent the chemicals from being absorbed.
  5. Spray the foliage or the leaves of the tree with the herbicide.
  6. The herbicide will be absorbed by the leaves and transported to the roots, effectively killing the tree and its root system.

If you have to kill multiple Birch trees, I suggest adding some dye to the herbicide so you can tell which trees have been covered by it.

Basal Spray Technique

This method can only be effective if the trunk is less than 6-7 inches in diameter.

  1. Make sure you are wearing protective gear while performing this method.
  2. You will need a backpack sprayer for spraying the chemical, a strong herbicide and an oil-based solvent like diesel, basal oil, fuel oil or kerosene.
  3. Ideally, you should choose herbicides that contain Trycloper or Trycloper Ester as the main chemical. For example, Garlon 4 Ultra, Relegate, Forestry Garlon XRT, Aligare Trycloper are good choices. Or use this. (Amazon affiliate link)
  4. The ideal proportion for mixing should be 1 part herbicide and 4-part solvent, so about 20-25% concentration.

Some types of herbicides in the market can directly be used for this method without needing to mix with anything like ‘Pathfinder II’. There are a lot of tree-killing herbicides in the market, so make sure to read the manufactures instructions before using them.

  1. Make sure that the tree is not wet while performing Basal Bark technique as the chemicals are hydrophobic.
  2. Once you have the solution, spray the bottom 3 feet of the Betula with this solution and let it dry out.
  3. Repeat the spraying process again once the first layer has been absorbed.

See my recommended herbicides here.

Cutting the tree down

Alternatively, if the tree is small you can simply cut the tree down and treat the stump with a herbicide. This won’t be as difficult when compared to cutting down a large tree.

What is the best time of the year to kill a Betula?

Birch tends to produce flowers during the early months of Autumn, therefore the perfect time to kill them would be before the flowering season. The tree will require more nutrition during flowering and killing them before will deprive them of this extra food.

The best way to kill a large Birch tree

A mature Birch can grow up to 60-70 feet tall. Cutting down the tree when it is this tall can be tricky to do on your own, but it can still be done if you are in a hurry or in an emergency situation.

Ringbarking and Chemical Injection would be perfect to tackle this tree.


Ringbarking would be the easiest and the most efficient method for killing a large Birch as it will stop the nutrient flow from the roots to the leaves, eventually drying out the tree from nutrients.

  1. You will need to either get a hatchet, hammer and chisel or chainsaw for this method. Alternatevely, since Birches bark tends to come off quite easily, you can also use a knife.
  2. Remove a ring of bark around the entire tree, about 4-8 inches wide.
  3. Spray your preferred consentarted herbicide along the exposed bark.

Chemical Injection

This is a slightly more difficult method to carry out. Besides herbicide, you will need a drill.

  1. Drill holes at a downward angle, 2-3 inches deep along the circumference of the tree, about 2-3 feet above the ground.
  2. Inject a strong herbicide like Roundup or Tordon RTU from Amazon into these holes. (Affiliate link) and let it absorb.
  3. After about 6-7 days, inject more herbicide into these holes to increase the efficiency.

The European White Birch is the only variety, that is considered to be invasive, so you will have to be extra careful once it is dead to monitor any new sprout growth.

Should you hire a professional tree removal service?

If your Betula is young and small, you can manage to get it killed and removed on your own. Especially if it is located in a remote place.

On the other hand, if the tree is big and located in your backyard, it can be difficult. Killing the tree, getting it cut down and recycled – there are a lot of factors to consider, and hiring a professional service provider will take care of most of these problems.

Take a look at my tree removal cost guide here if you are interested in how much a Birch tree removal could cost you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you kill a Birch without cutting it down?

Yes, the preferred methods for killing a small Betula would be Foliar Spray and Basal bark treatment, while chemical injection and ringbarking for larger trees.

Can you use copper nails to kill Betula trees?

Yes, copper nails can kill a tree according to various sources. However, the number of copper nails necessary and the efficiency of the method are hard to predict.

What is the best time of the year to kill Betula trees?

Because this species is deciduous, you should kill it during the fall, once the Birch loses its leaves.


You can use numerous methods to kill a Birch or Betula tree. Foliar Spray and Basal Bark treatment would be suitable for small trees, while Ringbarking and Chemical Injection for larger trees. Alternatively, you can also cut the tree down.

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