How to get rid of Umbrella Trees?

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Umbrella or Heptapleurum Actinophyllum belongs to the Araliaceae family of trees. This species is native to the tropical rainforests in northern Queensland of Australia. They are considered to be evergreen and small, with a maximum height of 45-50 feet. The flowering season for this species is during early summer. They are also considered to be pretty invasive in nature.

Let’s take a look at how to kill Umbrella trees and their root system.

How to Kill Umbrella Trees?

Some of the most popular methods for killing Heptapleurum Actinophyllum are:

  1. Foliar Spray
  2. Cutting the tree down and treating the stump with Herbicides
  3. Gridling or ring barking
  4. Basal Bark treatment
  5. Injecting the tree with killing chemicals
  6. Cut surface treatment

All of the above methods have their own pros and cons, if you want to learn more about them, make sure to check out this article.

The best way to kill a small Umbrella tree

Some Heptapleurum Actinophyllum only grows up to 10-15 feet high. Because of their invasive nature, it is important to kill them as quickly as possible.

The first option is to simply cut down the tree using a chainsaw or an ax and treat the stump with a herbicide like Tordon RTU, Relegate, etc. Using a herbicide will ensure that the root system dies with the tree. Killing the root system helps to prevent any sprouting in the future.

Cutting down a small tree should not be an issue and you can get it done without any professional help. You can read more about it here.

If you don’t want to cut down the tree, there is an alternative method you can go for.

Foliar Spray Technique

The second method is the Foliar Spray technique. This is only applicable if the Foliage of the tree is reachable by the sprayer.

Make sure you are wearing protective gear while using this method.

For this method, you will need a backpack sprayer and a herbicide to go along with it.

Make sure there is no wind during this as the herbicide can get carried away. The leaves of the tree should be dry before spraying the herbicide for maximizing absorption.

  1. Use an effective herbicide like Triclopyr, Roundup, or Ortho, which you can find in my recommended products section.
  2. Spray the the leaves of the Umbrella tree with the herbicide. With this species, it will take multiple coatings of the herbicide to get the job done.
  3. The herbicide will be absorbed by the leaves and transported to the roots, effectively killing the tree over time.
  4. You should see the signs of the tree dying within couple of weeks after spraying.

The best way to kill a large Umbrella tree

A large Heptapleurum Actinophyllum can grow up to 45-50 feet tall. Because of their invasive nature, at this stage, they should be killed as fast as possible.

Cutting down the tree would be the fastest method to use. Just like above, right after cutting the tree down, treat the stump with a concentrated herbicide like Tordon RTU to make sure there is no further growth.

If you don’t want to cut down the tree, there are some alternative methods you can choose from.

You can even use two methods together to speed up the killing process- Ringbarking and Chemical Injection


Ringbarking would be the easiest and the most efficient method for killing a large Heptapleurum Actinophyllum as it will stop the nutrient flow from the roots to the stems and the leaves, killing the tree over time.

  1. You will need to either get a hatchet, hammer and chisel, handsaw or a chainsaw for this method.
  2. Simply remove a ring of bark around the entire tree, about 4-8 inches wide.
  3. Spray some herbicide along the exposed bark. Tordon RTU would be a good option.

Make sure you take all of the safety precautions before handling chemicals including wearing protective gloves and glasses.

Chemical Injection

  1. You will need a drill and a herbicide for this method.
  2. Simply drill holes, 2-3 inches deep along the circumference of the Heptapleurum Actinophyllum, about 2-3 feet above the ground. Make the angle of the holes downward.
  3. Inject a strong herbicide like Roundup or Tordon RTU into these holes and let it absorb (Amazon affiliate link).
  4. After about an hour, inject more herbicide into these holes to increase the amount of chemicals absorbed.

What’s the best time to kill Umbrella?

The best time to kill a Heptapleurum Actinophyllum is during late spring. They start producing flowers during the beginning of summer, which means the tree’s nutrient demand will be the highest during this time. Killing the tree in spring will ensure the tree won’t have the necessary nutrient supply to grow flowers and this will speed up its death.

If you are going to cut down the tree, then you can do it any time of the year.

Should you hire a professional tree removal service?

If the Heptapleurum Actinophyllum is small, you can manage to get it killed by yourself. On the other hand, if the tree is big or if you are dealing with a number of trees, it can get quite tricky.

From killing the tree to getting it cut down and transported, there are a lot of factors to consider, and hiring a professional will take care of most of these problems.

On top of this, the cost factor also plays an important role. Figuring out all logistical details can turn out to be costly.

Take a look at my tree removal cost guide that I published.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you kill the Umbrella tree without cutting it down?

Although it is not recommended, it can be killed without cutting the tree down. The first method would be using the Foliar Spray method when the tree is small. For mature trees, you can use Ringbarking and Chemical Injection method.

What are the major uses for the Umbrella tree?

This species is mainly cultivated for ornamental purposes, but it is not advised to due to its invasive nature.


A small Umbrella Trees or Heptapleurum Actinophyllum, less than 15 feet, can be killed using the Foliar Spray technique. For bigger trees, you can use Girdling along with Chemical Injection to speed up the process. Alternatively, you can cut down the tree and treat the stump with concentrated herbicide.

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